Welcome to my blog for the 2008-2009 school year! Using our class blogs, we will be "diving in" and discussing topics and literature that we consider through English 10. These blogs will also be forums on which to share your thoughts on your independent reading. I'm excited to see your ideas!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rose for Emily- Synthesis questions E block

Useful Verbs

Create, invent, compose, predict, plan, construct, design, imagine, propose, devise, formulate

Sample Question Stems

Can you design a ... to ...? Can you see a possible solution to...?If you had access to all resources how would you deal with...? Why don't you devise your own way to deal with...? What would happen if...? How many ways can you...? Can you create new and unusual uses for...? Can you write a new recipe for a tasty dish? Can you develop a proposal which would...?


swan0823 said...

Imagine aging without getting married to anyone just because your parents dislike all the men you form relationships with. How would this affect your mind? What might you end up doing?

David Kim said...

If you knew everything, what solution could you have come up with for Ms. Emily?

DK9302 said...

Picture yourself being shunned by society and being trapped with a person who you love but doesn't love you back. What would you do? How would it affect you?

Andrew Kang said...

Why don't you devise your own way to rejection?

Jason said...

How would you have dealt with your problems if you were Emily?

Deez K. said...

what would've happened if Emily's lover loved her back? How would the story change?

ILyoon Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alice said...

If you were trapped like Emily would you have done the same thing or solve the problem in a different way?

- said...

Imagine how would you felt like if your were Homer

- said...


DK9302 said...

I would tell Emily to ignore her father and use her money to go have some fun

-Reply to David kim

-david Kang

Andrew Kang said...

Reply to david kim's question,
I think I would have gone up to her and scolded her and told her to face reality.

Tony Hong said...

i would end up not listening to my parents and do whatever i want to do. and marry the girl i want

TWIG-S said...

If your father has died, how would have you react?

Alice said...

David kim

If i knew everything, i would just forgive and let it go

swan0823 said...

reply to taemin - If Emily's lover loved him back, things would have turned out pretty well. They would love each other, get married, and have children. They would have formed a happy family. Emily would have never poisoned him.

Jason said...

Reply to Swan:
That would make me lonely and I might end up doing what Emily did.

Yae Chan Lee said...

Response to Pei Peng

I would have felt very confused and hopeless. becuase homer had to live with a person that he did not love.

David Kim said...

Reply to David Kang's question:

That situation would drive me crazy, but I would not do such a horrible thing like what Ms. Emily did. I would just let that lover leave me in peace.

ILyoon Kim said...

I would be so desperate to be married and I would do anything to be married with someone. I might end up dying with depression

- said...

Dan Kim
If both of them loved each other, than the story is going to end peacfully, the only one who's going to die is Emily, if they both loved eachother

- said...


Deez K. said...

I would probably react the same way as Emily would, I would be frustrated and the only way I would react is by using my frustration and I am not perfect so this is how i would react


ILyoon Kim said...

I would have been desperate to be married with somebody and would do anything to be married, I might end up dying with depression

Swan's question

Jennifer Kim said...

Reply to Swan-

This would affect my mind to be rebellious against my parents and it will create hatred. I might end up just running away with my lover. =)

TWIG-S said...

Answer to david kim

I would have tried to help her

Soulja Mogli said...

How would you deal with becoming old without a man or a woman to marry me? Would you be terrified by the thought of being alone and single for the rest of your life?

Soulja Mogli said...

This would greatly affect my mind, making me marry any woman i can get hold of

-answer to swan