Welcome to my blog for the 2008-2009 school year! Using our class blogs, we will be "diving in" and discussing topics and literature that we consider through English 10. These blogs will also be forums on which to share your thoughts on your independent reading. I'm excited to see your ideas!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rose for Emily- Evaluation questions D block

Useful Verbs

Judge, select, choose, decide, justify, debate, verify, argue, recommend, assess, discuss, rate, prioritize, determine

Sample Question Stems

Is there a better solution to...? Judge the value of...? Can you defend your position about...? Do you think ... is a good or a bad thing? How would you have handled...? What changes to ... would you recommend? Do you believe? Are you a ... person? How would you feel if...? How effective are...? What do you think about...?


SusieBang said...

Do you think Emily poisoning Homer is a good or bad thing? Justify yourself. (Susie)

2hanl2da said...

What do you think about the story?

Joseph said...

How would you feel if you were rejected from your lover?

Abby Moimoi said...

Do you think Emily had the right to kill Homer? As a pay back for him leaving her.

opti said...

Would you kill your lover if you get rejected?

Young said...

What do you think about the way Miss Emily reacted to her father's death?

rjychoi said...

How would you feel if you had such a strict father?

Brian Ryu said...

What do you think about Homer leaving Emily alone? Was it justified in Emily's point of view? (Brian Ryu)

Stephen Eun said...

Why would have Emily done the actions she did? Do you think that she thought they were justified?
(Stephen Eun)

Gina L said...

Discuss the reasons for Emily's murder.

David Tu Sun Song said...

how did u like the twist?

Anonymous said...

To what extent do you believe parents' restriction under his or her children's decision is considered as love?

Gina L said...

Answer to Hanl

I think the story is very freaky

rjychoi said...

answer to opti:
no...because violence is not the answer :p


Edward Han said...

Is this story twisted?????

Edward Han said...

Answer to Susie's

-It was Homer's fault to hurt her feelings. ^^

Anonymous said...

Answer to Opti's: No, I would revenge but not murder.

Abby Moimoi said...

ANSWER TO: David Tu Sun Song

- Yes, we liked the twist because it
creepy and interesting. It gave the
story an exciting spin.

Hanl and Abby

Morris Kim said...

Can people judge the value of love by writing plots like "A Rose for Emily"?

Andrew Kang said...

How would you feel if you killed a person?

Deez K. said...

whether or not
Emily did the right

Tony Hong said...
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