Welcome to my blog for the 2008-2009 school year! Using our class blogs, we will be "diving in" and discussing topics and literature that we consider through English 10. These blogs will also be forums on which to share your thoughts on your independent reading. I'm excited to see your ideas!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Rose for Emily-Analysis Questions

Useful Verbs
analyse, distinguish, examine, compare, contrast, investigate, categorise, identify, explain, separate, advertise

Sample Question Stems
Which events could have happened...? If ... happened, what might the ending have been? How was this similar to...? What was the underlying theme of...? What do you see as other possible outcomes? Why did ... changes occur? Can you compare your ... with that presented in...? Can you explain what must have happened when...? How is ... similar to ...? What are some of the problems of...? Can you distinguish between...? What were some of the motives behind...? What was the turning point in the game? What was the problem with...?


Brian Ryu said...

What would have happened to Emily if her father wasn't so strict? (Brian Ryu)

Joseph said...

What differences can you find between the Emily's father and Emily herself?

SusieBang said...

Identify the theme of A Rose For Emily (Susie)

2hanl2da said...

What are the literary elements used in this story?

Young said...

How is this short story similar to any of the other short stories that we have read?

rjychoi said...

What were some of the motives behind Emily's father's strictness? Rachel

Stephen Eun said...

Identify how Emily must have felt when her father was so strict at her young age? (Stephen Eun)

Gina L said...

What feelings and emotions might Emily have gone through when she decided to murder Homer?

Gina L said...

What feelings and emotions might Emily have gone through when she decided to murder Homer?

Justin Joonsoo Lee said...

What would have happened if Homer and Emily actually married from the beginning?

Gina L said...

Answer to Brian Ryu

Emily would have married a guy
Emily wouldn't be paranoid

SusieBang said...

Answer to Brian Ryu's Question:
If Emily's father wasn't so strict, she would have not been so introvert, stubborn, and mad at everyone. Plus she would have actually gotten married and lived happily ever after.

Abby Moimoi said...

ANSWER TO: Justin Joonsoo Lee

-she probably wouldn't have killed him and she probably would have been normal.

Hanl and Abby

rjychoi said...

brian ryu:

she would have found a man and gotten married.
Rachel & Young

Stephen Eun said...

To Brian Ryu
- She would have lived a much more happier and brighter life.
(Stephen Eun, Justin, and Stephan Kim)